Thursday, 1 November 2012

Chatham Zoo - opening night

2 Nucleus artisst Christopher Sacre and Marissa Mardon have decided to make a exhibtion of themselves alongside mark barnes in Chatham Zoo
The 'Chatham Zoo' exhibition presents new work by Artist/Sculptor Christopher Sacre, Painter/Photographer Marissa Mardon and Illustrator/Designer Mark Barnes.

For the education and amusement of visitors the artists themselves will be exhibited in an enclosure, waiting to be fed inspiration and materials to create new work throughout the show. Come along, throw a tube of paint through the bars and watch what happens!

'Chatham Zoo' runs from Saturday 27 October to Thursday 8 November 2012 at Nucleus Arts Chatham Gallery, 272 High St, Chatham, Kent ME4 4BP (opposite Iceland). Open 10am-5pm Mon-Sat (closed Sundays). Admission free.
more information on the facebook page HERE
where you can see what the artsist are up to in the zoo and the art work they produce so go and take a peak

Pictures of the brilliant opening night

The artist encloseure

Captive wild artists mark and marissa

Captive wild artists mark and marissa

Chritopher has cought aa wild Peter reeds and brought him in the encloseour

christpher sacre's website HERE

Marissa Marden's website HERE

Mark Barne's website HERE

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