Monday, 10 December 2012

Winter open studios weekend

Thank you to all those who came along to our  open studios weekend, it was the 1st christmas open studio in the fist year of the medway open studios event. we had a wonderful exciting weekend, we hopw all who came had a great time and we are all reall looking forward to seeing you  next time. enjoy the pictures!

Sian Bostwick's jewellery workshop

Angie Berkley's studio

the buzzing conferance room full of visiting geust artists, craftspeople & designers

Marissa Mardon's Studios

Darell Hawkins's studio

Darell at work

Sarah Langsone's studio
Sarah at work

Christopher Sacre in his studio

Christopher little plast babies

Peter Reeds studio

work and studio of Natalie Sampson & Geidre Masonovets

maggie Osborn's studio

Hollie Aired's studio

Jin Gubbay's studio

Jon Gubbay at work

Alexandria Welch's studio

Mini gallery of visiting guest phographers

Obi at work in his photgraphy studio

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Winter open studios - resident artists Part 1

As there is only a week to go we thought we would give you some sneak peaks at the work of the resident artists, come and take a look at there studios next week.

Open Studios 8th & 9th December 
Showcase exhibtion continuse until 20th December
More information HERE

Alexandria Welch

Angie Berkley

Darrel Hawkins

Christopher Sacre

Anne Taylor

Chris Van Beck

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Winter open studios - visiting guest artists - part 1

Only a week to go before the first Medway Open Studios arts Winter Festival and time to introduce some of our guest artists, designers and crafts people taking over the conferance room of the art centre for the open studio weekend.


  This is Dandy Delux and her bold, bright and colourful wood jewellery.

more information on Dandy Delux HERE

 This is the work of Snapdragon design another creative and designer who will be setting up in the conferance room, more information on there narrative, story based acrylic jewellery HERE

for more information on the open studio see the below post or go HERE

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Nucleus Artists open studios 8th & 9th December

Nucleus Artists open studios 8th & 9th December

2 buildings. 38 artists, crafts people & designers. The ultimate Christmas shopping treat!

private view 7th December 6pm - 8pm 
In a Christmas spectacular Nucleus Artists at Nucleus Arts Center Chatham will be
opening their doors & studios to the public for one weekend 8th - 9th December as part of the Medway Open Studio & Arts Festival.

Launch Night on Friday December 7th 6pm – 8pm in the Nucleus Gallery, Chatham.

Join us for a drink and enjoy the showcase exhibition which will continue until 20th December.

cafe open both saturday & sunday for yummy cakes and hot drinks

Resident artists open studios:

Holly Aird
Angie Berkley
Sian Bostwick Jewellery
Donna Chapman
Nick Evans
Jon Gubbay
Darrell Hawkins
Sophie Jongman
Sarah Langstone
Marissa Mardon
Maggie Osborn
Peter Reeds
Christopher Sacre
Deborah Saunders
Anne Taylor
Chris Van Beck
Alexandria Welch
Obi Photography
Natalie Sampson
Geidre Masonovets

plus 19 visiting guest Artists, designers & craftspeople
more information HERE 


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Chatham Zoo - opening night

2 Nucleus artisst Christopher Sacre and Marissa Mardon have decided to make a exhibtion of themselves alongside mark barnes in Chatham Zoo
The 'Chatham Zoo' exhibition presents new work by Artist/Sculptor Christopher Sacre, Painter/Photographer Marissa Mardon and Illustrator/Designer Mark Barnes.

For the education and amusement of visitors the artists themselves will be exhibited in an enclosure, waiting to be fed inspiration and materials to create new work throughout the show. Come along, throw a tube of paint through the bars and watch what happens!

'Chatham Zoo' runs from Saturday 27 October to Thursday 8 November 2012 at Nucleus Arts Chatham Gallery, 272 High St, Chatham, Kent ME4 4BP (opposite Iceland). Open 10am-5pm Mon-Sat (closed Sundays). Admission free.
more information on the facebook page HERE
where you can see what the artsist are up to in the zoo and the art work they produce so go and take a peak

Pictures of the brilliant opening night

The artist encloseure

Captive wild artists mark and marissa

Captive wild artists mark and marissa

Chritopher has cought aa wild Peter reeds and brought him in the encloseour

christpher sacre's website HERE

Marissa Marden's website HERE

Mark Barne's website HERE

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Collage magazine - Alexandria Welch

Nucleus resident artist Alexandria Welch has been busy launching a new magazine - Collage magazine.
Collage is an on-line magazine and blog-site for women interested in art, politics, culture, and society.

"Our aim is to create a forum of dialogue and interaction between a range of female artists and art lovers who express themselves through their work by addressing the issues which concern them, whether this is on a national/international, social/philosophical, contemporary or historical level. We want to make our discussions fun, challenging, artistic and poetic. Behind the project are writers and artists working in collaboration with the same vital concerns who are hoping that this little project will become a big success. Our aim is to please everyone but of course, we are bound not to."

Read the 1st issue HERE

Find out more HERE 

Read the 1st issue HERE

Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Art of Recovery III with SophieJongman & Peter Reeds

In order to celebrate World Mental Health Day, on October 10th, The Art of Recovery III exhibition brings together work by people with various experiences of mental health issues.  Through art and writing they set out to communicate their understanding of those experiences; while showing how they can actually enhance our understanding and appreciation of life.

Featuring Nucleus Artists Peter Reeds and SophieJongman 

Pictures from the exhibition preview night on friday are below and the exhibtion is open until 1pm on 18th October so please come along.